Thursday, July 3, 2008


An airsoft/MILSIM player operating in a sniper role and wearing a realistic ghillie suit as camouflage.

MilSim, short for Military Simulation, generally combines airsoft play with some military live-action role-playing elements. Several goals or missions are assigned to each team, along with a basic load-out of ammunition (6 millimeter pellets), rations, batteries, and other suitable equipment, such as short-range radios and head-sets.

The teams will remain in the field for the duration of play, only returning to a staging area or "safe zone" for medical emergencies, or other such circumstances. Military simulation games often last several days, for example the large BERGET event in Sweden lasts 6 days in a row, with no breaks. In larger scale MilSim operations players utilize vehicles such as painted vans and trucks. But in some cases, such as Operation Irene, real APCs and tanks will be used.

Airsoft games are not only limited to Milsim or CQB, however. There are many minor game scenarios.

Article source From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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