Sunday, June 29, 2008

Methods of play

CQB, otherwise known as Close Quarters Battle (or CQC, Close Quarters Combat), is a popular way of playing airsoft. The basic idea is for people to play in an enclosed arena at close quarters, resulting in fast action combat or multiple surprises. Often the arena may be set up as if it were in an urban war zone or in terrain filled with enclosing walls, gates, doorways, stair ways, tunnels, apertures, overhead openings, or below-ground approaches that enable one player to shoot at another from a distance of a certain amount of feet. CQB can also take place in night games or in dense vegetation such as tall grass, shrubbery, and closely packed trees. In these types of combat, the fps of the guns may have to be lower due to the closeness of the combat. Simulated grenades and booby traps are effective due to teams sticking together in such a small area. Players in CQB scenarios usually wear additional vests or protective clothing to avoid injury from close-in hits or ricochets. They also use smaller airsoft guns like the MP5 or auto pistols (gas or electric).

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