Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Bullets or "BBs"

Types of bullets
Bullets have a diameter of 6 mm ( sometimes 8 mm ), they are in plastic( biodegradable, with colourant , or no ). Bullet's brand differ appreciably in quality. There is different weight ( 0,12g, 0,20 g, 0,23 g, 0,25 g, 0,30 g, etc.). An AEG use generally 0,20 g and 0,25 g bullets. Most heavy bullets are use to precision shot with powerful replicas. The speed in exit of the canon proportionally down as the augmentation of the bullet's weight, but his stability in air is really improve. A most heavy bullet has a best wind resistance.

Burst shots last just some seconds. So we shot 20 bullets by burst. Count to one game ( ~ one afternoon ) between 500 and 2000 bullets ( or more if you are crazy of burst shot ! ).If you are sniper , your consumption is really small and decidedly under 500 bullets.

lot of the don't bio bullet desintegrate herself speedly. However, their polystyrene has a bad effect on the environement ( on every meter cube in the wood ...) Attention, to some brands, the bio mention don't necessarly significate biodegradable. So verificate as the compostion is officially known.Good biogradable brands are too quality's like the others brands.To have : Super King bio, PHX bio (actually in test).To haven't : Excel bio.

nvestigation about brands

MArui : 10/10
Marushin : 10/10 - the best sniper brand
Super King Bio : 9/10 - top of bio bullets
Straight : 9/10 good to sniper
Toyjet : 9/10 -good to sniper
ICS : 9/10
Blaster : 9/10
Super King : 8/10
Maruzen : 8/10 - good to sniper
KWC : 8/10
Excel : 8/10
Gold Fire : 7/10
Cybergun : 6/10
Asgk special selection : 4/10
American eagle : 3/10
Excel Bio : 0/10 (they aren't bios (info published 2003 by a laboratory)!)

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